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Common Mallow

Malva is A plant rich in medicinal properties. The properties of this plant are very important for the treatment of some diseases. The leaves and flowers of this plant are used to prepare herbal medicine and it has many therapeutic propertie

Malva is A plant rich in medicinal properties. The properties of this plant are very important for the treatment of some diseases. The leaves and flowers of this plant are used to prepare herbal medicine and it has many therapeutic properties. It contains vitamin C, tannins, mucilage, anthocyanin glycoside malvin and flavonoids. This plant has a beautiful purple color and its oil can be used to treat various types of problems.a

One of its properties is to help heal wounds. Treatment of kidney and bladder diseases such as urethritis and fenugreek plant for bladder infection are other properties. You can use its tea to make the skin soft and supple and enjoy its properties for the skin. Other properties include removing swelling of the mouth

and throat, uterine tonic, laxative, diuretic, pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, more milk production in nursing mothers. , treatment of cough, treatment of pimples and insect bites, treatment of skin itching, treatment of eczema, treatment of gallstones, treatment of kidney stones, treatment of kidney inflammation, treatment of headache, relief of constipation, toothache and insomnia

Cheese is a one-year, two-year or multi-year plant. The origin of this plant is reported in Central Asia and it is grown in almost all parts of the world
The root of cheese is more or less branched, conical, straight and its thickness is 1.5 to 2.5 cm. The height of this plant is different and depends on the climatic conditions of the place where it grows and is between 50 and 100 cm. The lower part of the stem (foot of the stem) is more or less wooden
The leaves are alternate on the stem. The petiole and leaf of this plant are hairy. The flowers are colored and appear from the angle between the leaves and the stem. Sepals are veined and purple in color. The fruit of cheese is flat and has ten parts. The seeds of cheese are bean-shaped and brown in color

At the end of spring (June), the first flowers appear and flowering continues until summer (September)

Pharmaceutical and industrial properties and applications

The flowers and leaves of this plant contain mucilaginous substances, tannins, bitter substances, glycosidemalvins, and anthocyanins
Fenugreek is one of the valuable medicinal plants whose flowers and leaves are mentioned as medicine in many reliable pharmacopoeias and its therapeutic properties have been studied. The effective ingredients of this plant are used to treat cough and also as an expectorant. These substances are also used to treat stomach ulcers and digestive disorders
This plant is cultivated at different levels in some countries